A Case of Fissure-Like Pressure Ulcer on the Coccygeal Area Successfully Treated with Changing of Wound Dressing

Shigeki Inui*, Satoshi Itami
Department of Regenerative Dermatology, Osaka University School of Medicine, 2-2, G2, Yamadaoka, Suita-shi, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Sudbury Department of Regenerative Dermatology, Osaka University School of Medicine, 2-2, G2, Yamadaoka, Suita-shi, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan; Tel: 81-6-6879-3960; Fax: 81-6-6879-3962;


A 61-year-old Japanese woman developed pressure ulcer on her sacral and coccygeal area due to a long-term bed rest. After she received the treatment by bucladesine sodium ointment, trafermin (recombinant human basic FGF) splay and TIELLE® (Johnson&Johnson Co) hydropolymer dressing, the ulcer gradually reduced in size and depth. However, the improvement of the fissure-like ulcer decelerated when the size became around 2X2cm. Thereafter the occlusion by hydrocolloid dressing was continued for around two years with only slight effect, decreasing the size to around 1X1cm. Finally, we changed the dressing to the hydropolymer dressing TIELLE® plus, which can absorb superfluous oozing well, because maceration was found on the perilesional skin. Then, the ulcer was rapidly healed and epithelized in two weeks, suggesting that the excess secretion had delayed of wound healing.
