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Psychological Aspects Associated with the Acquisition and Development of HPV Infection and its Repercussion on Quality of Life

The Open Dermatology Journal 29 Oct 2009 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874372200903010133


A clear relationship between infection by Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and mental health problems does not seem to exist. Nonetheless, the presence of psychological symptoms – such as fear, guilt, shame and anxiety– are frequent in people who suffer the disease. A series of myths and false beliefs exist which may lead to great psychological discomfort. The diagnosis supposes putting into effect a process of adaptation. In this adaptation process to the disease, various defence mechanisms may appear. The importance of informing the patient – by the health professional – in a true and precise way, and allowing time for the patients to express their doubts about everything that is worrying them in order to face the emotional impact that giving the news to their partner and family may suppose should be highlighted. The disease leads to changes in lifestyle and quality of life. The aim is to help the patient in this process.

Keywords: HPV, psychological symptoms, quality life.
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