Skin Absorption Modulation: Innovative Non-Hazardous Technologies for Topical Formulations

Nicolas Atrux-Tallau1, Alain Denis2, Karine Padois1, Valerie Bertholle1, 3, Truc Thanh Ngoc Huynh1, Marek Haftek1, Francoise Falson1, Fabrice Pirot*, 1, 4
1 EA 4169, Fonctions Physiologiques et Pathologiques de la Barrière Cutanée, University of Lyon I, Lyon, France
2 Bioderma Laboratoire Dermatologique, Lyon, France
3 Groupement Hospitalier Est - Hospices Civils de Lyon, Service Pharmaceutique, Bron, France3Groupement Hospitalier Est - Hospices Civils de Lyon, Service Pharmaceutique, Bron, France
4 Groupement Hospitalier Edouard Herriot - Service Pharmaceutique - Pavillon X, Place d'Arsonval, Lyon, France

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© 2010 Atrux-Tallau et al.

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle, EA 4169 ‘Fonctions normales et pathologiques de la barrière cutanée’, Université de Lyon 1, Faculté de Pharmacie, 8, avenue Rockefeller, FR–69373 Lyon Cedex 08, France; Tel: +33 4 78 77 71 67, Fax: +33 4 78 77 72 47; E-mail: and Groupement Hospitalier Edouard Herriot, Service Pharmaceutique, Fabrication et contrôles des Medicaments, Pavillon X Place d'Arsonval, F-69437 Lyon, Cedex 03, France; Tel: 33 [0] 4 72 11 78 70; Fax: 33 [0] 4 72 11 78 76


The achievement of skin drug delivery needs to conciliate two paradoxical terms: firstly, the major barrier of permeation formed by the stratum corneum needs to be circumvented for skin drug delivery (i.e., skin absorption); secondly, the drug deposition within the skin should be ideally accomplished with a restricted percutaneous absorption. At strictly speaking, the terms of this paradox are not solvable, since Fick's laws stipulate that the rate of drug transport is not separable from the gradient of drug concentration. In this field, drug carriers as vehicle have been reported in the recent years as one of the most promising strategy to address skin drug delivery. Indeed, the passage of drug loaded particles through the stratum corneum and/or via the follicular ducts might (i) target the drug deposition in specific skin sites, (ii) control and sustain the cutaneous drug release, (iii) protect the drugs against substantial epidermal metabolism, and (iv) reduce the percutaneous absorption. The present paper reviews the different drug carrier systems which do not require solvent in their process, with their physicochemical characteristics, the mechanisms of drug delivery and drugs that were efficiently used as a penetrant.

Keywords: Nanotherapeutic, solid lipid nanoparticles, nanostructured lipid carriers, skin diseases.