Helen Ollendorff Curth and Curth-Macklin Syndrome

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Helen Ollendorff Curth and Curth-Macklin Syndrome

The Open Dermatology Journal 10 Nov 2011 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874372201105010028


Helen Ollendorff Curth (1899-1982), is one of the pioneers in dermatology. In 1954, she and Madge Thurlow Macklin (1893–1962), an American medical geneticist, reported, a rare congenital genodermatosis that was later known as Curth-Macklin syndrome. This syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant skin disorder characterized by extensive hyperkeratosis and palmo-plantar keratoderma.

Keywords: Dermatology, ichthyosis, skin.